Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
Client: South-West Strategic Developments (SWSD)
Section: Mixed-Use
Location: Plympton
Planning Authority: Plymouth City Council
Description: Residential Development & Sports Hub
Project Overview
The proposals are for a new sports hub including changing facilities, artificial grass pitch, grass pitches and a new cycle track, set within a new woodland. Supporting this is a residential development of circa 200 dwellings, including affordable homes. A hilltop public park and allotments are also proposed.
Our Role
We began promoting this site for allocation in the Plymouth & West Devon Local Plan on behalf of the client in August 2016. Following a series of meetings with the Council, we agreed a Statement of Common Ground between the parties which resulted in an allocation in the plan for a sports hub and enabling residential development.
We have then led the proposals through a pre-application and are currently preparing an outline planning application on behalf of the client, which is due to be submitted in Summer 2023.
Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
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