Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
Client: Redrow Homes Ltd
Section: Heritage
Location: Former Frenchay Hospital, Bristol
Planning Authority: South Gloucestershire Council
Description: Reserved matters application relating to outline development of 490 homes, health and social care centre, and primary school.
Project Overview
The hospital buildings are located within the grounds of a Georgian Mansion, referred to as Frenchay Park House, which is a Grade II Listed Building, and included in the Gazeteer of Historic Parks and Gardens in Avon. Furthermore, the site falls within the Frenchay Conservation Area. These designations therefore presented a constraint to the site’s development in relation to design features and respecting the character of the local area.
The proposals involved the redevelopment of the site for 490 homes, health and social care centre and a primary school. Due to the site's sensitivities the creation of some contemporary designs were created at key vista points to create juxtaposition between old and new; the school was also repositioned on the masterplan to create a more coherent, legible form of development.
Our Role
We were instructed to coordinate the discharge of outline planning conditions, re-negotiation of S106 matters and the preparation of reserved matters applications for the redevelopment of the Frenchay Hospital site in Bristol.
Since 2016 we have been working on this site on behalf of Redrow Homes and have successfully now secured reserved matters approval for all phases of the development scheme.
Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
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