Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
Client: Bellway Homes
Section: Residential
Location: Axbridge
Planning Authority: Sedgemoor District Council (now Somerset Council)
Description: Residential Development of 53 dwellings and public open space
Project Overview
Following outline planning permission being granted, Bellway Homes bought the site in 2022 and sought to bring forward the detailed design for the scheme in a timely manner to ensure that homes could be delivered as early as 2023. The proposals are for 53 dwellings, comprising a mix of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes, along with public open space including ecological habitat area, and a new public car park for the adjacent doctor’s surgery.
Our Role
We progressed a reserved matters application for the clients as quickly as possible and this was submitted in October 2022. We successfully negotiated on a number of points and concerns raised by officers including on housing mix, parking, and materials, and sought to address any amendments to the project with the team as quickly as possible. The proposals were very controversial at outline stage and as such the application was required to go to committee – we were pleased to secure an almost unanimous decision by members which endorsed their officer’s recommendation, in March 2023.
Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
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