Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
Client: Land Value Alliances (LVA)
Section: Residential
Location: Stalbridge
Planning Authority: Dorset Council
Description: Residential Development & Employment Land
Project Overview
The proposals involve the development of 114 dwellings and up to 2,000sqm of employment floorspace on the edge of Stalbridge, Dorset. An outline planning application was submitted due to a lack of five-year housing land supply, however in the interim period planning policy officers at Dorset Council allocated the site in an emerging Local Plan.
Following an appeal against non-determination, the Inspector agreed that the acute need for housing represented significant weight that outweighed various negatives that the Council had alleged.
Our Role
We guided the applicant through the planning process by submitting a pre-application and request for EIA Screening, followed by an outline planning application submission. As the Council failed to determine the application within the statutory timeframes, we appealed non-determination and led a two-stage Inquiry with the support of Counsel and our consultants. Following many curveballs thrown, we were pleased to see the Inspector agreeing with our assessment of the proposals and granting permission in November 2021.
Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
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