Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
Client: Newbury Racecourse
Section: Commercial
Location: Newbury Racecourse, Newbury
Planning Authority: West Berkshire Council
Description: Change of Use and Extension to The Lodge Hotel
Project Overview
The project first involved securing permission for a Change of Use for a building on Newbury Racecourse known as 'The Lodge' which was originally used as a hostel to provide accommodation for stable staff, to a permanent hotel with 36 bedrooms. Following this an application to extend The Lodge was submitted for the erection of a three storey extension to the front elevation of The Lodge to provide an additional 40 bedrooms to provide a better standard of facilities for those visiting the local area and make a positive impact on the economy.
Our Role
Following requests for pre-application advice we submitted both planning applications on the applicant's behalf – despite objections from the local community we secured planning permission via the committee process following a recommendation to approved from officers in 2019. Key issues involved the historic permissions on the site and in particular transport concerns.
Since this time, we have continued to work with Newbury Racecourse and have successfully obtained permission to erect a single storey extension to the Rocking Horse Nursery on site, as well as a temporary Christmas Carnival in 2022. We continue to advise the racecourse on planning matters.
Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
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