Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
Client: South West Strategic Developments
Section: Mixed-Use
Location: Woodlands Golf Club, Trench Lane, Bristol
Planning Authority: South Gloucestershire Council
Description: Mixed-Use Garden Community Scheme
Project Overview
The proposals are for the development of 1,750 homes, with 50% affordable housing, a local centre including office hub, convenience store, care village (comprising a mix of assisted an unassisted living), and primary school, new parkland and other public open space, and pedestrian/cycle bridge over the M4. The development is designed on the principles of a 'Garden Community' scheme where pedestrians are prioritised over the private car to create a step-change in how we live, work and play.
Our Role
We have been promoting this site for development on behalf of the clients since 2015. This has involved submitting representations via the Council's Local Plan consultation process and attending the Examination in Public; submitting pre-applications and more recently launching a public consultation to ascertain the level of public support and objection for the scheme. We will continue to promote the site for allocation in the next Local Plan process and are considering an application for the proposals in 2024.
Grass Roots Planning Ltd
Suites 9 & 10
Bristol North Baths
Gloucester Road
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